Keyword Research

Keyword research is a fundamental building block of any SEO strategy – but there are wrong ways to do it. Click the button on the right to find out how you can build a strong keyword strategy.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is a fundamental building block of any SEO strategy – but there are wrong ways to do it. Click the button below to find out how you can build a strong keyword strategy.

What Do You Get?

Where You Already Rank

I’ll show you all the keywords you’re already ranking for and why so you can emulate that success for other terms

What You Could Rank For

I’ll also show you the terms you’re ranking for but not optimised for, providing hidden gems that can yield more traffic

How To Find Good Keywords

I’ll teach you how to find your own keywords that actually get traffic, so you can use the techniques even after you stop paying me

Competitor Keyword Gap

Find out which keywords your competitors are ranking for that you’re not targeting, so you can keep up then get ahead

Keyword Priority List

I’ll provide a list of keywords you should be targeting, listing them in priority based on search volume, difficulty, and more

Full Content Plan

I’ll use the priority list to set out a plan for how you should target those keywords in the short, medium, and long term

Keyword Research by Chris Hanna SEO

What Is a Good Keyword?

The first part of forming any solid keyword research strategy is understanding what a good keyword is. These are keywords that are relevant to your business, likely to bring your traffic, and also likely to yield leads or customers.

It’s easy to just aim for the keywords with the highest projected search volumes, but that’s not always the best way to do it. You want keywords that convert, not keywords that bring lots of users that don’t want anything you have to offer.

Prioritising Your Keywords

Once you understand what makes a good keyword to target, you then have to find and prioritise them so you can create a viable content plan. That’s where I come in!

I’ll generate a list of keywords that can bring value (and customers) to your website, and order them by priority. I’ll also provide insights on what it will take to rank for each keyword, taking into account metrics like keyword difficulty, the kind of content required, and everything you need to cover.

Finding Hidden Gems

Creating a winning keyword strategy isn’t just about finding new keywords to target – it also involves optimising for keywords Google already thinks you should rank for. 

I’ll find these hidden gems for you, providing you with a roadmap to make the most of the content you already have on your site. These can represent very quick wins, some of which can be incredibly lucrative!

Creating The Right Content

The final part of the keyword strategy creation process is creating the right content. I’ll provide you with a full content plan based on the keywords I find for you that’s designed to help you create sustainable website growth.

I’ll lay out the content I believe will yield you the best results, and provide guidance for creating the best piece of content for each keyword. 

Let's Talk Keyword Research!