Full SEO Website Audit

I offer comprehensive SEO audits to find issues with your website and help you fix them. Click the button on the right to reach out and get your full SEO audit.

Full SEO Website Audit

I offer comprehensive SEO audits to find issues with your website and help you fix them. Click the button below to reach out and get your full SEO audit.

What's Included?

Comprehensive SEO Audit

I’ll analyse your entire website to find issues covering every aspect of SEO (210+ checks), and show you how to fix them

Full Audit Report

I’ll distill it down to a detailed but easy to follow report that tells you what I’ve checked and lists items by priority

Video Summary

I’ll tell you directly what the most important items are, and provide a quick synopsis of your SEO audit

Full Improvement Plan

Analysis is no good without a plan to implement fixes – I provide extensive recommendations for each item

Simple English

I know SEO can be complex, so I’ll explain everything I check, and make it clear what you need to do to boost your rankings

No Site Access Needed

I don’t need access to your website to perform an audit – I just need your website’s URL, and I can start immediately!

Chris Hanna SEO's Website Audit

What Is an SEO Website Audit?

An SEO audit might sound scary at first. But it’s a simple (albeit extensive) check of all aspects of your website. The end goal is to provide you with a list of items in order of priority. Some of them may need fixes (like broken links) while others might simply come with recommendations (such as design or layout tweaks).

My SEO audit service provides you with an extensive, 210+ point list of items that I manually check (I don’t just run it through auditing software and serve you a cookie-cutter report). I check various aspects of your website, from on-page SEO to your website’s design. I provide a full audit sheet with every check I perform, so you can see where your site is excelling and where it needs some work.

But I don’t just throw 210+ data points at you – I also create a tailored report written in simple English that goes through everything I come across in the audit. I list out the most important items and give you recommendations on how best to remedy any issues or capitalise on areas where you’re not fully optimised.

The Audit Process

When you choose Chris Hanna for your website audit, you get a 210+ check SEO audit that covers all aspects of your website. I do it all myself, manually checking every point on the list.

I make it as easy as possible to go through and understand what each check is for and why it matters. I also use a simple priority system to help you plan which items need the most attention. 

Then I give you a full report that goes through the most important items, along with a video summary to help you understand where you can make the biggest gains.

Benefits of an SEO Audit

SEO audits can be a quick way to understand where your site is winning and where it’s losing. The latter is typically the most important, as the areas you’re underperforming are the easiest places to start looking for gains in rankings, traffic, and earnings.

While an SEO audit doesn’t do anything without some effort on your part to implement my recommendations, it is one of the most cost-effective ways to find issues with your site and – when you choose someone like me to carry out your audit – get tailored advice and recommendations on implementing fixes and optimisations to improve your website.

Get Your SEO Website Audit